
repair in dublin 🇮🇪

city overview

dublin, the capital city of ireland, stands as a beacon of historical richness blended with modern vibrancy. this city, nestled at the mouth of the river liffey, is not just the political and cultural heart of ireland but also a burgeoning hub for zero waste initiatives and sustainable living. dublin's streets, lined with georgian architecture, pulsate with a youthful energy, reflective of its status as one of europe's most youthful cities. the city's commitment to environmental sustainability is evident in its numerous green spaces, recycling programs, and community-led zero waste projects. as a zero waste communication specialist, our focus is to illuminate dublin's journey towards reducing waste, fostering a circular economy, and promoting repair over replacement.

fun facts

- dublin is home to over 1,000 parks, making it one of europe's greenest cities. these spaces not only offer respite and recreation to its residents but also play a crucial role in the city's biodiversity and environmental conservation efforts.

- the city boasts the title of unesco city of literature, a testament to its rich literary heritage. this cultural accolade underscores dublin's commitment to preserving its history while fostering creativity and innovation.

- dublin's coastal villages, such as howth and dalkey, offer not just scenic beauty but also serve as examples of communities embracing sustainable practices, from local sourcing of food to promoting eco-tourism.

- the dublin bike scheme, launched in 2009, has become a model for sustainable urban transport, encouraging residents and visitors alike to opt for greener modes of travel.

- initiatives like the dublin repair directory and repair cafes are gaining momentum across the city, empowering residents to choose repair over disposal, thereby reducing waste and promoting a culture of sustainability.

through these engaging facts and initiatives, dublin exemplifies how urban environments can lead the way in zero waste living and sustainable practices, making it a city not just of historical significance but of environmental inspiration.

sustainability snapshot

dublin's zero waste accomplishments and objectives


- dublin waste to energy project: a significant step towards managing waste that cannot be reused or recycled, converting it into electricity to power the city.

- green plan 2015-2020: dublin city council implemented this plan focusing on sustainable management and environmental conservation, including waste prevention measures.

- community-led initiatives: a rise in community gardens and composting sites, reducing organic waste and promoting local produce consumption.


- zero waste by 2050: dublin aims to be a zero-waste city by 2050, emphasizing prevention, reuse, and recycling.

- increase recycling rates: the city plans to surpass the current eu targets for recycling and set a higher standard for ireland.

- expansion of repair and reuse networks: dublin intends to support repair shops, second-hand stores, and sharing platforms to extend the lifecycle of products.

circular economy strategies

- circular dublin initiative: a platform for collaboration among businesses, academia, and local authorities to drive circular economy innovation.

- sustainable business support: programs to assist businesses in adopting circular economy models, including resource efficiency and industrial symbiosis.

- investment in circular startups: encouraging the growth of startups focused on circular solutions, such as material recovery and product-as-a-service models.

repair initiatives

- repair directory: a city-sponsored directory of local repair services, designed to encourage residents to repair rather than replace items.

- repair cafés and workshops: regular events where volunteers help residents repair household items, promoting skills sharing and community engagement.

- maker spaces: facilities equipped with tools and expertise, where individuals can come to repair and create, fostering innovation and reducing waste.

future goals

- waste reduction incentives: implementing incentive programs to encourage businesses and residents to reduce waste.

- comprehensive education campaigns: targeted campaigns to educate about recycling, composting, and the importance of repair to minimize waste.

- infrastructure for circular resources: development of infrastructure to better facilitate material recovery, repair services, and product sharing.

waste statistics

- recycling rate: dublin currently recycles approximately 48% of its waste, with a goal to continually increase this percentage each year.

- waste generated: the average dublin resident produces about 587 kg of waste per year, with a city-wide effort to reduce this figure through prevention and recycling initiatives.

- waste diversion: the city has achieved a waste diversion rate from landfills of around 53%, with ongoing projects aimed at further diversion.

this sustainability snapshot aims to provide a concise overview of dublin's efforts in waste reduction, circular economy, and repair initiatives. the city's commitment to sustainability is evident in its ambitious goals and innovative projects, which serve as a model for urban environments around the world striving to achieve zero waste.

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dublin 🇮🇪

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