frequently asked questions

where can i use your service?

where can i use your service?

how can i get access to the app?

how can i get access to the app?

which porducts are supported?

which porducts are supported?

what kind of service do you offer?

what kind of service do you offer?

where can i find you on chatGPT?

where can i find you on chatGPT?

how can i earn money with you?

how can i earn money with you?

can i learn how to repair?

can i learn how to repair?

where can i find a repair café?

where can i find a repair café?

what's the best way? rent, repair, refurbish or donate & recycle?

what's the best way? rent, repair, refurbish or donate & recycle?

what is your pricing model?

where can i get support?

how can cities work with you?

why should repairers work with you?

how can i get started as a business?

what is your pricing model?

where can i get support?

how can cities work with you?

why should repairers work with you?

how can i get started as a business?

join now,
it's free

let's make sure that each of our products gets fixed at least once during its lifetime.

let's make sure that each of our products gets fixed at least once during its lifetime.

©2024 | | made with 💚 anywhere

©2024 | | made with 💚 anywhere

©2024 | | made with 💚 anywhere